Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bali Seaweed Farmers

Now this seaweed in Indonesia has been developed on the coast of Bali and Nusa Tenggara. Given the lengthy coastline of Indonesia (81,000 km), then the chances are very promising for seaweed cultivation. If you view the market demand for the world to Indonesia which annually reach - average 21.8% of the world needs now is the fulfillment to supply the demand is still very less, which is only around 13.1%. The low supply from Indonesia due to unfavorable farming activities and the lack of information about the potential of seaweed to farmers.

One of the seaweed farms are at Geger beach, Nusadua. Geger’s farmers are cultivated seaweed using Method Remove the Association, in which way this is done by attaching seed seaweed on rope - the rope is pegged in a row - row in the area of marine waters with depths between 30-60 cm. Seaweed is planted in the bottom waters.

As food, seaweed has be known first by the Japanese and Chinese since thousands of years ago. Seaweeds are marine plants, algae species. This plant is a multicellular thallophyta algae class divisions. Not like the perfect plants in general, seaweed has no roots, stems and leaves. Round, flat, tube or like twigs branches ramify. Seaweeds are usually living on the ocean floor that can be pierced by sunlight.
In general, an edible seaweed is a type of blue algae (cyanophyceae), green algae (chlorophyceae), red algae (rodophyceae) or brown algae (phaeophyceae).


Diverse though the results of seaweed can be found in the market, ranging from the dry, powdered or fresh. Here are a few:

Nori is made from pulverized seaweed. Seaweed pulp is then spread with a very thin thickness. The process then dried so that its shape resembles a sheet of paper. Nori is used in Japanese cuisine, from sushi wrappers, shrimp rolls or fried rollade. Select a supple nori, dry and shiny black color.

Kombu and Wakame

A type of dried seaweed. Kombu is a basic ingredient in Japanese cooking to make gravy. After boiling broth to broth and used to fill kombunya soup, salad or stir. Meanwhile, wakame, kombu almost resembles the shape, normally used to mix salad, or mix the contents of noodle soup. Wakame do not boil more than a minute to get the maximum flavor.

Seaweed Candy

Retrieved from fresh seaweed, then washed, boiled and mixed with sugar solution as preserved. Refreshing flavor and crunchy texture is too chewy, very suitable for a mixture of ice, pudding and various desserts.


The process of making gelatin is very long. The first stage of the selection of seaweed species that will be used, the type gracilaria gelidium sp or sp. And next cell wall-solving process, ripening (extraction) to the drying. We can found gelatin in various forms, both bars and powders.


Seaweeds are widely used is the type of red algae (Rhodophyceae) because it contains , Keraginan, porpiran, or pigment furcelaran fikobilin (consisting of fikoeretrin and fikosianin) which is a provision for foods high in carbohydrates. But there is also the use of brown algae species (Phaeophyceae). Brown algae contains many pigment chlorophyll a and c, beta carotene, violasantin and fukosantin, pirenoid, and sheets of photosynthesis (filakoid). In addition, brown algae also contain food reserves in the form of laminarin, cellulose, and algin. In addition to the material - the material earlier, red and brown algae contains jodium.

Many studies have shown that seaweed is a nutritious food, here are a few of them:


Research Harvard School of Public Health in America reveals, premenopausal women in Japan are three times less likely to develop breast cancer than American women. This is due to the diet of Japanese women who are always adding seaweed in their menu.


Chlorophyll in green sea algae can function as an antioxidant. This substance helps rid the body from free radical reactions are very harmful to the body.

Preventing Cardiovascular

Japanese Scientists uncover, seaweed extract can lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension. For people with stroke, consuming sea grass is also highly recommended because it can absorb excess salt in the body.

Dietary fiber

Content of foods (dietary fiber) of seaweed is very high.This fiber is filling and smooth the body's metabolic processes, so it is best eaten the obese.Carbohydrate is also difficult to digest so you will feel full longer without fear of obesity.


Sekarang ini rumput laut di Indonesia banyak dikembangkan di pesisir pantai Bali dan Nusa Tenggara. Mengingat panjangnya garis pantai Indonesia (81.000 km), maka peluang budidaya rumput laut sangat menjanjikan. Jika menilik permintaan pasar dunia ke Indonesia yang setiap tahunnya mencapai rata - rata 21,8 % dari kebutuhan dunia, sekarang ini pemenuhan untuk memasok permintaan tersebut masih sangat kurang, yaitu hanya berkisar 13,1%. Rendahnya pasokan dari Indonesia disebabkan karena kegiatan budidaya yang kurang baik dan kurangnya informasi tentang potensi rumput laut kepada para petani.

Salah satu lokasi budidaya rumput laut adalah di panta Geger, Nusadua. Petani disana membudidayakan rumput laut menggunakan Metode Lepas Dasar, dimana cara ini dikerjakan dengan mengikatkan bibit rumput laut pada tali - tali yang dipatok secara berjajar - jajar di daerah perairan laut dengan kedalaman antara 30 - 60 cm. Rumput laut ditanam di dasar perairan.

Sebagai bahan pangan, rumput laut telah dikanal lebih dulu oleh bangsa Jepang dan Cina semenjak ribuan tahun yang lalu. Rumput laut merupakan tumbuhan laut jenis alga. Tanaman ini adalah gangang multiseluler golongan divisi thallophyta. Berbeda dengan tanaman sempurna pada umumnya, rumput laut tidak memiliki akar, batang dan daun. Berbentuk bulat, pipih, tabung atau seperti ranting dahan bercabang-cabang. Rumput laut biasanya hidup di dasar samudera yang dapat tertembus cahaya matahari.

Secara umum, rumput laut yang dapat dimakan adalah jenis ganggang biru (cyanophyceae), ganggang hijau (chlorophyceae), ganggang merah (rodophyceae) atau ganggang coklat (phaeophyceae).

HASIL OLAH RUMPUT LAUT Beragam hasil olah rumput laut dapat dijumpai di pasaran, mulai dari yang kering, bubuk maupun yang segar. Berikut beberapa diantaranya:


Nori dibuat dari rumput laut yang dihaluskan. bubur rumput laut ini kemudian dihamparkan dengan ketebalan yang sangat tipis. Proses selanjutnya dikeringkan sehingga bentuknya lembaran menyerupai kertas. Nori banyak digunakan pada masakan Jepang, mulai dari pembungkus sushi, udang gulung atau rollade goreng. Pilih nori yang lentur, kering dan warnanya hitam mengkilat.

Kombu dan Wakame

Sejenis ganggang laut yang dikeringkan. Kombu adalah bahan dasar membuat kaldu pada masakan Jepang. Setelah direbus kuahnya untuk kaldu dan kombunya digunakan untuk isi soup, salad atau tumisan. Sedangkan wakame, bentuknya hampir menyerupai kombu, biasanya digunakan untuk campuran salad, isi soup atau campuran mie. jangan merebus wakame lebih dari satu menit untuk mendapatkan citarasa yang maksimal.

Manisan Rumput Laut

Diperoleh dari rumput laut segar, kemudian dicuci, direbus dan diolah dengan larutan gula sebagai pengawetnya. Citarasanya menyegarkan dan teksturnya kenyal juga renyah, sangat cocok untuk campuran es, pudding dan aneka dessert.


Proses membuat agar-agar sangat panjang. Tahap pertama pemilihan jenis rumput laut yang akan digunakan, yaitu jenis gracilaria sp atau gelidium sp. Slanjutnya proses pemecahan dinding sel, pemasakan(ekstrasi) sampai pada pengeringan. Dipasaran banyak dijumpai agar-agar dalam aneka bentuk, baik yang batangan maupun serbuk.


Rumput laut yang banyak dimanfaatkan adalah dari jenis ganggang merah (Rhodophyceae) karena mengandung agar - agar, keraginan, porpiran, furcelaran maupun pigmen fikobilin (terdiri dari fikoeretrin dan fikosianin) yang merupakan cadangan makanan yang mengandung banyak karbohidrat. Tetapi ada juga yang memanfaatkan jenis ganggang coklat (Phaeophyceae). Ganggang coklat ini banyak mengandung pigmen klorofil a dan c, beta karoten, violasantin dan fukosantin, pirenoid, dan lembaran fotosintesa (filakoid). Selain itu ganggang coklat juga mengandung cadangan makanan berupa laminarin, selulose, dan algin. Selain bahan - bahan tadi, ganggang merah dan coklat banyak mengandung yodium.

Banyak penelitian yang membuktikan bahwa rumput laut adalah bahan pangan berkhasiat, berikut beberapa diantaranya:

Antikanker Penelitian Harvard School of Public Health di Amerika mengungkap, wanita premenopause di Jepang berpeluang tiga kali lebih kecil terkena kanker payudara dibandingkan wanita Amerika. Hal ini disebabkan pola makan wanita Jepang yang selalu menambahkan rumput laut di dalam menu mereka.

Antioksidan Klorofil pada gangang laut hijau dapat berfungsi sebagai antioksidan. Zat ini membantu membersihkan tubuh dari reaksi radikal bebas yang sangat berbahaya bagi tubuh.

Mencegah Kardiovaskular Para Ilmuwan Jepang mengungkap, ekstrak rumput laut dapat menurunkan tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi. Bagi pengidap stroke, mengkonsumsi rumput laut juga sangat dianjurkan karena dapat menyerap kelebihan garam pada tubuh.

Makanan Diet Kandungan serat(dietary fiber) pada rumput laut sangat tinggi. Serat ini bersifat mengenyangkan dan memperlancar proses metabolisme tubuh sehingga sangat baik dikonsumsi penderita obesitas. Karbohidratnya juga sukar dicerna sehingga Anda akan merasa kenyang lebih lama tanpa takut kegemukan. Budi Sutomo.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Joged Bumbung: The Balinese flirtation dance

Bali has many traditional dances and one of the most fun is the joged bumbung. Tourists will often see and participate in a joged dance. The joged is a flirtation dance and a solo female dancer will select men from the audience with a tap on the shoulder with her fan. Back in 1937 during Miguel Covarrubias's time in Bali, before the onrush of mass tourism, the joged was popular. Here is his description.

-A very popular dance that seems related to the legong is the joged, performed by a girl in a variation of the legong costume and in the traditional legong steps. The dance is considered erotic by the Balinese because the girl entices the men from the audience by 'making eyes' at them during the course of the dance. The man invited must dance with her in postures that represent a love game of approach and refusal (nibing), in which the man tries to come near enough to the girl's face to catch her perfume and feel the warmth of her skin, the Balinese form of a kiss. As the audience becomes worked up, other men 'cut in' and dance with her. I have seen performances of joged that had an intoxicating effect on the crowd, especially in the more decadent form called gandrung, when it is a boy in girl's clothes that performs. Fights among the men of the audience at gandrung dances are not unheard of, a procedure of which is extremely un-Balinese. The joged could easily be a modernized, decadent version of the ancient mating dance still to be found in the village of Tenganan, stronghold of native tradition. There, once a year, a dance called abuang is performed in which the unmarried girls of the village appear dressed in their best, wearing gold flower head-dresses and meet bachelor boys who posture with the girl of their preference in a short dance in which the gestures make one think of a chaste and restrained joged. Curiously enough, the joged is forbidden in Tenganan.- (source:

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Kite Festival in Sanur Village Festival

In July-August is the season of kites in Bali, where the wind blows fast enough and stable. So that all children, teenagers up to adults to use it to distribute a hobby, which is a kite.

Sanur Village Festival to be one event that is used for hobby kite. In every opportunity, Sanur Village Festival always held a kite contest, traditional and international. Which aims to introduce the uniqueness of Balinese traditional kite into the middle of the tourists.

There are several types of traditional Balinese kites such as:

Pecukan, shaped like a leaf sheath.

Ben-ben or be- bean, resembling the shape of fish.

Janggan or Janggar, resembling of a dragon.

Creation, an adaptation of various shapes of animals, objects, figures and other idol that will transform into a kite.

This event is enough to open the eyes of foreign tourists that Bali was also unique in the art of kite. And they was surprised to see the size of our kites. "Usually in our country, one person flying the kite 50-10, but in Bali first kite was flown by at least 10 people", said one tourist. In addition to art and hobby container, a giant kite is also a means of uniting and grow hand in hand as well as mutual cooperation.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sanur Village Festival

Sanur Village Festival aims to promote tourism by bringing local wisdom with the theme of the theme "The New Spirit of Heritage '," said Chairman of the Committee of SVF, Ida Bagus Putra Sidartha, in Sanur. Held every year around August.

He said the village of Sanur as the first tourist areas in Bali are still maintained as the basis for the development of cultural tourism. Therefore, these activities display a variety of cultural and traditional art owned by the local community.

Sanur since the 1930s has become a favorite tourist destination for foreign tourists. White sandy beaches and stunning, exotic tropical plants swaying on the edge of the beach, and the blue waves that make anyone feel at home relaxing vacation here. Sanur Village besides festival aims to attract tourists to come to Bali It also aims to introduce Sanur as one of tourist destinations are safe with the theme as a fishing village. In addition, this festival also provides opportunities for humanists and artists and communities that live around Sanur to be able to participate in tourism activities.

The festival will introduce the diversity of tourism in Sanur. Food, music, sports, and paintings are part of the festival. Any tourism agency will also introduce a variety of snacks and good cheap food made by chef hotels and restaurants and traditional cafes that many are around Sanur. The tourists would be invited and come with a free tour around Denpasar to get to know the various tourist attraction in the area of Denpasar.

Main Stage

Kite Festival

Painting Exibition

Photography contest

Bonsai contest

Traditional Sailing Boat contest

Coral plantation

Culinary challenge

Mass yoga

Fun games

Water Sport

Cultural Parade

more information abut sanur and Festival please visit :

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Funeral Ceremony in Bali - Bathed and Buried

When someone dies in Bali, the main thing to do is select the day and date according to Balinese calendar for a funeral. For someone who has a lot of funds that they will soon establish Ngaben / cremation only privately among the family. but for families with limited money will do Ngaben mass / mass cremation once every 5-10 years, because it will save on costs because it is done jointly by a village resident. Therefore, if there is a family who died, usually they will be buried in advance to wait Ngaben mass at the appointed time.

The corpse is washed and given a spice and perfume.
Nails of the dead body are cleaned by symbolical.
And the last is dressed with traditional clothes before moved into the coffin and buried for several years before it dig back and cremated.

you can see the black & white version HERE